sacred rebellion


current offerings

  • micro pet portraits

    micro realistic portraits of your fur-family member

  • custom creations

    honoring self expression in its truest form

  • unearthing experience

    1:1 month long container of exploration and slow co-creation

meet mandi :)

hey there friends

I’m mandi and my evolutionary path has brought me into the space of owning my role as a sacred space holder and guide. creating an environment where folks feel held, safe and Able to fully experience the transformation of permanent art.

I grew up here in northeast ohio, in the same county I reside in now. I live in a fully renovated 1890 farmhouse with my husband, son and our furbabies (my two daughter’s have flown the nest). though this place deeply feels like home to me, I long to travel the globe and experience new places and people.

summer will always be my favorite season, though i’m learning to appreciate the death/rebirth of all seasons. when it’ sunny and beautiful you can find me outside exploring with my bare feet on the earth or near water. i’ve always been a bit of a rebel, learning the basics then molding them to my inner resonance. I’ve come to love those parts of me no matter how much I have fought them in the past.

going through life’s fires has left me stronger and with more capacity to be with others and that feels incredibly good to speak out loud. it’s been many years in the making and i’m finally ready to step closer to my truth.

come, allow me to share my story with you…

my core values

  • integrity

    doing the right thing, even when no one is watching

  • safety

    creating space for the mind + body to soften

  • curiosity

    staying open to the possibilities of all things

  • authenticity

    living in full alignment with the heart

  • pleasure

    doing what feels best for the highest good of all

upcoming events