weaving stories

mandi came here to be anything but ordinary. her soul’s journey could quite literally be the definition of transmutation and evolution. in childhood, she was a quiet yet adventurous girl. loved to be outdoors and spent much of her time playing solo with whatever her heart could imagine. after the loss of her father at age 8, she was thrusted onto a path of learning the impermanence of life and with a scorpio moon in the 3rd house…she feels it all with great depth and intensity while also needing to share it with someone, though for many years there was no one to share it with.

inside her head she went and there she stayed…creating a safe little place to process every lived and felt experience. she relied on herself for everything and without having a true sense of “self” to begin with, that became increasingly difficult to traverse. is this ego or is this intuition? not understanding which voice was speaking, as they all sounded the same in her head. she knew nothing of the wisdom her body held. to her, her body only served one purpose…to be an object of lust for men who wanted nothing to do with her soul.

it wasn’t until her late 30’s she realized her life was going through a drastic upheaval. her body was now crying out in pain. Completely exhausted from holding every thought, emotion, and experience on her own. the disconnect was so strong, that even though she felt pain…to touch her, she felt nothing. and so her journey deepened…towards the body, towards its wisdom.

within the “alternative medicine” space, mandi stepped towards answers to her pain via body work, breath work, psychotherapy, sound therapy, somatic practices and fascia manipulation. the more she FELT her body, the more she connected to it and the more her intuition came online. as her body began to speak, she began to remember its language.  intentional touch and sound playing pivotal roles as they allowed her to become more present with sensation, thus prompting her to take further training in sound healing, somatic therapy and mindfulness.

as a professional tattoo artist she also began to see a pattern within her female clients. working with the most intimate part of the body…the skin, she could see the disconnect in them as well. and so as mandi’s journey has evolved, so has her work. she realized that while all methods of tattooing have their place, she wanted to create a space for women to have a safer experience while receiving permanent art.

when you tattoo on skin..the environment and energy transferred throughout the experience is etched into the body just as much as the ink. knowing this, mandi curated a space that felt soothing to the nervous system…warm and inviting aesthetics. one that offers privacy yet connected to nature. limiting her work to one client a day also allowed for more space to explore the clients desires and needs without the pressure of time. she encouraged her clients to use their voice and not feel intimidated to do so. clear boundaries allowed clients to understand what to expect while working with her as well.

this work has been deeply fulfilling, however she could feel it wasn’t the only offering here to give. weaving stories of the soul in connection with kindred hearts, fuels a passion so strong it’s also hard to ignore. her work with the body and holding space for others to learn the wisdom it holds, is now becoming more refined. moving towards sound, body reclamation, sacred tattooing and mentorship is more inclusive of her intuitive gifts and allows for more freedom to explore deeper healing within herself and her clients.

those ready to walk this path with Mandi are willing to face their pain without running from discomfort. they are ready to step closer in connection with their own bodies, reclaiming their sovereignty and no longer allowing anyone or anything to dictate their felt experience.

there is divine power lying within your cells…are you ready to own it??

my primal triad

  • My sun is conjunct my North Node within Gemini in the 10th house of career and social status...along with Mercry + Mars

    element: air

  • my moon lies intercepted within scorpio in the 3rd house of communication

    element: water

  • my rising lies within 6 degrees of virgo

    element: earth

feel free to reach out with questions and such…